
Does My Organization Need a Blog?

By now, any credible organization realizes that they need a central website.  Most organizations know what a blog is – many have considered one and even set one up. . . but, does your organization really need a blog?

Short Answer: YES

Medium Answer: YES, but only if you can keep up with it.

Long Answer: Read below!

The Wiki definition of a blog is as follows:

A blog (a blend of the term "web log")[1] is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

The social networking craze has helped blogs become increasingly more popular for individuals and businesses alike.  Much like other social media outlets, a blog can offer many benefits – but is only effective if created and maintained properly.

Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of maintaining a blog:

  • Blogs provide another instance of your organization online.
  • Blogs provide a casual and non-intrusive way to connect with your customers.
  • Blogs are indexed by search engines.
  • Blogs can deliver important and useful information to your stakeholders.
  • Blogs can be linked to your other social media for cross-linking & increased exposure.
  • Blogs can be used to demonstrate expertise in your field.
  • You are reading a blog right now, so they must work, right?

It’s true that a blog can offer these benefits and more.  But to be effective, you should make note of the following:

  • If you cannot keep up with a blog (1-2 updates/month minimum) – do not create a blog.
  • A blog is PART of your online marketing strategy – not 100% of your online marketing strategy.
  • DO NOT use a blog to push products/services in an aggressive manner.
  • DO use a blog to inform your stakeholders with useful information.
  • Use a blog as a suppliment to your online strategy, link to other instances of your organization on the web.
  • HINT:  www.ezinearticles.com is a great website to brainstorm for new blog ideas.

If you only remember one thing from this article, please remember to not trouble yourself with setting up a blog unless you can keep it up to date.  Shoot me an email if you are looking for more tips/tricks.  We’re happy to help.

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