


As many of you know (some through unfortunate first-hand experience), there was a hacking attack on GoDaddy.com on 9/10/12.  Below are some things you may want to know about the issue:

The Good:

If you are using a company like AI Software for your web services, your information is 100% safe - as our web hosting services are separate from domains (GoDaddy).  Furthermore, GoDaddy is a VERY strong and reputable company and you can count on the fact that they are taking measures to prevent this type of thing from happening in the future.

The Bad:

Hundreds of thousands of websites (if not more) experienced 4-5 hours of down time yesterday and countless hours of troubleshooting by IT companies like AI Software were misspent due to this issue.  [However, even if your website was down the entire day, that only accounts for .274% downtime total on the year.]

The Ugly:
Until World of Warcraft removes level caps, we (collectively) can expect that hackers will continue to try and disrupt Internet productivity. 

More information available at THIS LINK [From The New York Times Online]


Having Only One Website is SOOOOO 2005

In 2012 an effective online strategy requires a web presence rather than just a single web-site (as was the case for so many years).  To illustrate this point, think of your web presence as an extension of your business as follows:

Your Building/Location:  This is your primary URL (or website) – the (virtual) location from which business happens.  Sometimes products are for sale here (ecommerce).

Production/Engineering:  This is the technology that powers your web site – commonly known as a CMS or Content Management System.  This is where products are sold, processes are managed, content is created, etc.

Marketing:  This is your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign.  It should be tailored to match your business – just like traditional marketing.

Advertising: This takes place on your custom YouTube Channel that works with your marketing to ‘tell your story’ through the use of informative and interesting videos (This used to be known as ‘Television’).

Human Resources:  This is now known as LinkedIn.

Sales Force:  Commonly known as ‘The Social Network’ – effective salespeople are using tools like Facebook and Twitter to connect with customers and distribute the value proposition.  Jigsaw, LinkedIn and Salesforce.com are also highly effective in prospecting, tracking and winning business.

Put your Web Presence together! We Can Help!



Using QR Codes For Event Marketing

Appropriate and effective promotional campaign is a crucial and integral part of organizing a successful event. Organizers can use various promotional tools to optimize their campaigns; QR code is one of them and is gaining ground these days.
Quick Response code or QR code is widely used nowadays to make events interactive. This code simply refers to a barcode, which contains information that can be read into Smartphone. This article is going to show you how to use these codes to boost your event registration rate.
1. Link to Event Schedules
These codes help your attendees check an event schedule on their Smartphone, even when they are on the go. Organizers can place these codes at the registration desk, so that someone can scan it and bookmark it for future use. In fact, using this code, you can schedule your entire conference and reach out to a larger number of audience, even when they are not using their computer.
2. Mobile Ticketing
Keep in mind that these codes, if applied in the right way, are highly capable of accelerating your ticket sales. In fact, it is the most effective system that is designed for mobile ticketing. Using this code, you can reduce the production and distribution costs involved with manual, paper-based ticketing channels.
3. Event Promotion
A QR code allows you to promote your event extensively and in a short time. If you are distributing flyers and brochures, make sure of placing a QR code and link it directly to a sign up page. As a result, your potential attendees can sign up right away from their Smartphone. Moreover, such conveniences are likely to attract potential attendees in large numbers.
4. Registration Badges
With the arrival of QR codes, business cards are no more in the scenario. Using these codes on the registration badges, you can allow your attendees to exchange info by scanning the code and spreading it to their own network. It not only gives you access to a great deal of information, but also helps you do the same within a short time.
5. Sponsor Information
Using these codes, you can give your visitors a great opportunity to engage with sponsors. Put a QR code next to each sponsor's name on your event website as well as on the flyers. It will allow your attendees to learn more about that sponsor.
Use Quick Response codes properly to boosts your event registration rapidly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6871083



In many large corporations, Facebook and other social networks are banned. Some organizations have taken it a step further by banning their personnel from using personal mobile devices during business hours (by confiscating mobile devices at the start of the work day OR by installing ‘blocking’ radio waves – which prevent mobile devices from receiving signals when in the corporate building(s).

What fun it must be to work at a place like that, right?

There are several studies that show office productivity decreases when sites like Facebook are banned from a corporate environment. There is also the fact that Facebook bans also find they lose the benefit of their staff giving their company free marketing support. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the push-back and disloyalty that can be created when an organization treats personnel like junior high school students (i.e. taking away cell phones).

So why, then are companies willing to lose out on the marketing potential of their staff talking about them on Facebook?

Most corporations site the issue of not trusting their staff to say positive things about the firm (may as well get rid of your Google reviews then while you’re at it, ban Yelp – or just remove the ability for any employee to search the Internet while at work, right?).

If you cannot trust staff members to communicate a positive image for your company (online or offline) – that says more about the organization’s culture, employment practices and employee relationships than it does about the access they have to social networking sites.

Sounds like an organizational problem, not a ‘Facebook’ problem to me!

A new study emphasizes the following:

Psychologists have discovered that Facebook usage during studying has no impact on the students who use Facebook, compared with those who do not. The fear was that Facebook would contribute to lower grades because of the distraction. However, this is not the case.

This finding suggests suggest that staff selection is the key issue. If a company has issue with social networks, it may mean that they have larger human resources issues. Rather than shutting off passive (yet fruitful) marketing channels – why not stop hiring people who come to work to screw around?


Do’s & Don’ts of your WEB PRESENCE

Here at AI Software, Inc.we often hear

'I don't know what I don't know'

It's difficult to follow the changing landscape of the Internet Marketing world and for this reason, we are happy to give you some Do's & Don'ts about:


DO | Hire a professional team that has personnel dedicated to each individual portion of your website.

DON'T | Don't hire a single-person shop, it is impossible for a 'one-man-show' to design, develop, optimize and manage a web presence effectively.

| Make sure your web provider includes a content management system (CMS) so that your staff can make updates without incurring additional fees and waiting for simple and important updates.

DON'T | Hire a firm that wants monthly retainers because they do not offer you the ability to update and manage your own content.  Maintenance fees are OK, but having the ability to manage content on you own is a must.

DO | When looking for SEO services, make sure your company can show examples of their work.  It is very simple to ask a vendor to do a Google search and display results they have gotten for their clients.

DON'T | Hire a 'SEO Expert' based on certifications.  These 'consultants' are not programmers and have little knowledge of how algorithms actually work.  They also typically lack knowledge and ability for technical SEO and will not be able to show you any examples of their work.

DO | Hire web development professionals for your web presence.

DON'T | Hire a 'general IT guy' to do your network, phones, web development.  It is impossible for a single person to provide all IT functions well in today's marketplace.

DO | Purchase every domain available that represents you brand - even vanity URLs such as 'www.aifacebook.com'.  Include misspellings. 

DON'T | Miss opportunities because someone mistypes a URL or cannot find your organization online.

| Choose URLs that are easy to remember such as www.WeSellThis.com.

DON'T | Choose URLs that are relevant but hard to remember and likely to be mistyped in a browser.

DO |  Hire AI Software to put your web presence together.

DON'T | Hire another firm ;)


A Mobile Web Presence is Important

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, being available to your customers online 24/7 was enough.

But then along came the smartphone - and its even more agile cousin the tablet - and the expansive mobile data networks needed to support them. Suddenly the Internet came unfettered from desktops anchored to offices and homes and became a ubiquitous presence in our lives.

Today 24/7 just doesn't cut it. You must be available to your customers not only anytime but anywhere. At the corner coffee shop. In line at the supermarket. At the airport. In the very aisles of your competitor's store.

You may not know for certain when or where your customers might be looking for you, but you can be absolutely sure that you must be there if you want to stay competitive in today's market.

Consider this statistic: smartphones and tablets currently drive nearly seven percent of digital traffic in the U.S.

If that number doesn't wow you, try this on for size: experts predict that by 2013 - that's next year - more people will access the Internet via phone than computer.

It all boils down to this: the proliferation of smartphones and tablets in the past few years has changed the game. If you're in it to win it, you have to go mobile or go home.

But where do you start?

Look before you leap.

Before you take the plunge into the world of mobile, it's a good idea first to figure out where you currently stand so you know where you need to go and how best to get there.

Peruse your website on as many different devices as you can get your hands on. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers, and evaluate the quality of your experience as you navigate through your site.

How easy or difficult is it to select the specific link you want?

If you have a lot of images on your site, how long does it take to render on a mobile device?

Can you quickly and easily complete critical actions like locating contact information, filling out an inquiry form or even making a purchase?

If you identify any obstacles, or if the overall experience is frustrating in any way, you need to take action to make sure you give your business the best chances of capturing and converting mobile browsers.

There are a number of ways you can bring your site into the mobile era. To decide which approach is the right fit for your business, you must weigh your options based on your growth objectives and your customer's browsing habits.

Option 1: Build a dedicated mobile site.

A good mobile website is not simply a shrunken version of your primary site. It's designed specifically to deliver an experience that's optimized for the needs and preferences of the mobile user.

Keep in mind that these users aren't typically casual browsers; they're usually after a specific bit of information or seeking to accomplish a specific task. As a result, mobile websites don't usually offer all the bells and whistles of their desktop equivalents. Rather, the content and functionality are pared down significantly to offer only those features that are most useful to those on the go.

For example, while mobile users frequently comparison shop on their phones, they might not be as likely to actually go through the entire purchase process on their handheld device. As a result, you may not need to offer a full-fledged shopping cart on your mobile site. Instead, you might offer the capability for customers to log in to their account and save desired products to a wish list so they can quickly and easily complete their purchase later when they return to their desk.

Great mobile websites have certain elements in common. They focus on critical needs, such as providing access to key services and products and contact information. They limit the use of images to minimize page load time. They offer easy, intuitive, finger-friendly navigation. If forms are included, they are streamlined and ask only for the most essential information. They don't employ Flash, since Flash-based content is inaccessible to all iOS users.

Option 2: Employ responsive design.

Responsive design is the concept of building a website so that the layout of the site adapts and changes according to the resolution of the user's browser, which means that it looks just as good and performs just as well on a 27-inch desktop display as a 3.5-inch iPhone and all screen sizes in between.

The design is fluid and adapts to the browser and the platform on the fly. However, the change is more than just a straightforward scaling effect; rather, certain key elements within the design - such as navigational menus, links and search fields - shift and transform according to the resolution of the browser.

Employing responsive design allows you to deliver a robust experience to all users without the need to build and maintain a separate dedicated mobile version of your website.

Option 3: Get app-y.

A native app can be a fantastic mobile marketing tool, if done right.

However, it's not the right solution for everyone. Before you go down the app-building rabbit hole, there are a lot of questions to answer and obstacles to overcome.

How big is your customer base? Apps require a certain scale to make sense. If you're a mom-and-pop bakery, for example, you could theoretically develop an app that would let your customers design their own cupcakes and place their order right from their phone. While it would surely be a fun gimmick, it doesn't fulfill a broad-based need, and the app's ability to generate additional revenue would probably never offset the cost to create and maintain it.

That brings us to another point: you must carefully consider your ROI. If you sink many thousands of dollars into development and get it approved, will people really use it? If you can't develop an app that offers something people want and will use frequently - whether that's in the form of utility, convenience, content or all of the above - chances are good that your investment will end up buried in the app marketplace collecting dust.

Remember, too, that when you're dealing with apps, you either have to develop a version for each operating system (Android, iOS, etc.), which can be a costly proposition, or choose just one and ignore the needs of a huge percentage of your potential customer base, which is never a smart business decision.

Be a contender.

When it comes to mobile, convenience and conversion are the name of the game. From a business growth perspective, it's critical to ensure that your products or services are easily accessible to mobile users so you can boost your chances of capturing and converting an increasingly untethered customer base.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6978263


Don Draper’s Guide to Social Media

1. Don Draper: Advertising is based on one thing: happiness.

Nobody wants to read posts that are depressing or disturbing. And they don't RT or share them either. There's a reason.

Inspire. Teach. Motivate. Make followers happy.

2. Don Draper: I don't care if you work ten seconds if you bring me something I like.

You could spend all month working on content strategy, but if people won't like reading it, you've failed. If it inspired you, and more importantly, it would inspire your followers, then don't over-analyze it; post it.

3. Don Draper: You want some respect? Go out there and get it for yourself.

If all of your posts are links to someone else's material and quotes from the greats, what is setting you apart from everyone else who's posting the same stuff?

4. Don Draper: [Reading aloud from a piece of paper] "The man is shamed by being openly ridiculed and rejected; it requires an audience."

Pete Campbell: What is that, fortune cookie?

Don Draper: It's from that book you were all supposed to read.

Pete Campbell: Oh.

Do your research. If you are going to post with authority, know what the hell you are talking about. Don't show your ass by not keeping up with what your followers already know.

Social Media participants show their asses more often than you might think. Most often in discussion questions. If you're paying attention to what others post, you'll notice. I do.

5. Peggy Olson: Sex sells.

Don Draper: Says who? Just so you know, the people who talk that way think that monkeys can do this. They take all this monkey crap and just stick it in a briefcase completely unaware that their success depends on something more than their shoeshine.

If you want to be provocative in your posts, make it make sense. Make it have relevance. Don't use it just for cheap attention.

YOU are the product. You - FEELING something. That's what sells. Not them. Not sex.

Social Media has the unique aspect of requiring you to reveal yourself as a person. Whether you are a company, a sole proprietor, or just you personally. That is why Social Media is more popular than traditional media. People like to connect - and that is through emotions, feelings, personal nature.

Take if from another (real-life) marketing guru, Simon Sinek: "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

6. Don Draper: Every woman wants choices, but in the end, none wants to be one of a hundred in a box.

Post like you are talking directly to your individual followers. That's golden. Followers want to feel they are recognized for their (perceived) uniqueness. No one wants to feel their interests are generic. Read about Chris Brogan's Unfollow experiment to understand more.

7. Don Draper: And there are so many real problems in the world.

Don't post crap just to be able to post. Don't waste your followers time. Make it real. Make it worthwhile. Make it stick.

8. Don Draper: People tell you who they are, but we ignore it - because we want them to be who we want them to be.

If you are working too hard trying to make your followers into your wannabes, they'll see right through it and leave you or ignore you. They'll know you aren't listening to them and that will turn them right off.

9. Don Draper: When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him. He has a million reasons for being anywhere, just ask him. If you listen, he'll tell you how he got there. How he forgot where he was going, and that he woke up. If you listen, he'll tell you about the time he thought he was an angel or dreamt of being perfect.

And finally, give a damn about your followers. Quit being the posting narcissist. People who take the time to create a Social Media account are putting themselves out there. They are human beings, like Willie Loman, and "attention must be paid."

When is the last time you clicked on a followers page or profile? Their Twitter bio, their Facebook info tab, their LinkedIn profile?

Do you take the time to learn who your followers are?

- If not, you're slinging your posts like a slingshot at no particular target...



These Social Media Stats Will Blow Your Mind



  • There are now more than 800 million active Facebook users (this was reached on July 1 2011)
  • 200 million accounts were added in 2011
  • Facebook is the most visited website on the internet (reaching one trillion pageviews on June 30 2011)
  • 11% of the world population has a Facebook account
  • There are more Facebook users than cars (800 million vs 750 million)
  • 50% log onto Facebook every day
  • The average user has 130 friends and is connected to 80 pages, events and groups
  • The average user spends 700 mins per month on the site
  • Every 60 seconds on Facebook there are:
    •510,000 posted comments
    •293,000 status updates
    •136,000 uploaded photos
    •30 billion pieces of content are shared each month
  • Facebook reached 55%  of the world’s global audience accounting for roughly 75% of time spent on social networking sites and one in every seven minutes spent online globally
  • Facebook is blocked in China
  • Almost 50% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook when they wake up – 28% before even getting out of bed
  • 20 million Facebook applications are installed per day
  • Over 250 million people access Facebook via their mobile phone
  • In just 20 minutes, over 1 million links are shared, 1.5 million event invites are sent, 1.8 million statuses are updated, 2 million friend requests are accepted, 2.7 million photos are uploaded, 2.7 million messages are sent and 10.2 million comments are made
  • More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Faceboo

FB Business

  • FritoLay set a World Record with 1,575,161 Facebook likes in 24 hours on April 11 2011
  • 95% of Facebook wall posts are not answered by brands
  • Auto-posting to Facebook decreases likes and comments by 70%
  • 56% of consumers say they are more likely to recommend a brand after becoming a fan on Facebook
  • Two most popular reasons for liking a brand on Facebook: 1. because they are a customer (58%), 2. to get access to discounts and promotions (57%)
  • There are over 36.5M fans of Coca-Cola on Facebook


  • Twitter has 225,000,000 users
  • 100 million of these users are logging in at least once a month, 50 million are logging in every day
  • 190,000,000 tweets are sent on average per day
  • 1 billion tweets were sent every five days in 2011
  • The record is 25,088 tweets per second (when Castle in the Sky was broadcast in Japan)
  • A great majority of tweets are just 40 characters long
  • The average user has 115 followers
  • Lady Gaga is the most followed person on Twitter with over 17.8M followers
  • 40% of Twitter users don’t tweet, but instead use it to keep up to date
  • 55% access Twitter via mobile
  • Twitter handles 1.6 billion queries per day
  • Nearly 500,000 users are added each day
  • About 21% of Indonesians are on Twitter, making them the most Twitter-addicted nation
  • Japan is the only country where Twitter is more popular than Facebook

Twitter Business

  • 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter and 20% have closed deals
  • Tweets that include verbs have a 2% higher shareability than average tweets


  • LinkedIn has 135,000,000 users (as at Nov 2011), up from about 85 million in late 2010
  • Every second two new users sign up
  • Age demographics are: 21% 18-24, 36% 25-34, 36% 35-54, 7% 55+
  • LinkedIn membership includes executives from every company listed on the Fortune 500
  • 49% of LinkedIn users have a household income over $100k


  • YouTube has 490 million unique visitors per month (as at Feb 2011), which generates 92 billion page views
  • In 2010 YouTube reached 700 billion playbacks
  • 35 hours of video is uploaded every minute
  • More video is uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years
  • Users on YouTube spend a total of 2.9 billion hours per month (326,294 years)

Google Plus

  • Google+ was the fastest social network to reach 10 million users at 16 days (Twitter 780 days and Facebook 852)
  • Google Plus experienced an increase of 55% in traffic in December 2011 from November 2011
  • Though Google+ is secretive about the number of users, it has been reported that there are 62 million Google+ users (Source: Paul Allen)

Other Social Networks

  • 3,500 photos are uploaded each second on flickr
  • Flickr hosts over 5 billion images
  • Instagram reached 13 million users 13 months after launch
  • There are over 150,000,000 photos uploaded with instagram
  • Foursquare sees 2,000,000 check-ins a week
  • 15 million people have Foursquare accounts (as at Dec 2011)
  • Wikipedia hosts over 17 million articles
  • There are over 91,000 Wikipedia contributors

QR Codes

  • QR code uptake has increased 4589% from early 2010 to early 2011
  • 56% of QR codes appear on product packaging
  • The majority of users expect to receive a coupon or deal from scanning a QR code
  • 11 out of 50 Fortune companies are incorporating QR codes into their marketing strategy
  • 68% of QR codes are scanned via an iPhone

General social media statistics

  • Women are more active on social media than men – 55% vs 45%
  • Social media is responsible for one third of the web traffic in Malaysia
  • North American consumers show the strongest interest in using social media for deals (45%), followed by consumers in Asia-Pacific (34%) and Latin America (33%)
  • A 2011 study confirmed that social media users dine out more and are more likely to become return customers
  • 43% of all online consumers follow or are a fan of a brand
  • 57% of people talk to people more online than they do in real life
  • 15% of 16-24 year olds prefer to receive customer service via social media over any other method, compared to just 8% of 25-34 year olds and 3% of those aged 35-44
  • Social media use is becoming much more even across age groups (see graph below)


  • Facebook alone accounts for 10% of all mobile data on the iPhone
  • Globally more people own a mobile phone than a toothbrush
  • There are over 500,000 apps in Apple’s App Store (as at Dec 2011)
  • There are 400,000 apps for the Android operating system (as at Dec 2011)
  • Of the world’s 4 billion mobile phones, 1.08 billion are smartphones
  • Smartphone users are twice more active on social media than non smartphone users
  • 60% admit to using their device while going to the bathroom
  • 86%  of mobile users are watching TV while using a mobile phone
  • Over 200 million access Facebook from a mobile device and 91% of all mobile internet use is “social” related
  • By 2014 mobile internet use should overtake desktop internet use
  • ½ of all local searches are done on mobile devices
  • Half of Twitter’s users use Twitter on their mobile
  • There are 200 million + views of YouTube clips on mobiles every day


Spring Promotions in Full Swing!!!

The weather is warming up and so are our promotions!

AI Software will be giving away an Amazon Kindle Fire every month for the rest of the year to a lucky friend of AI Software, Inc.

Enter the promotion in one (or more) of the following ways:

  1. Like our Facebook Page (http://www.aifacebook.com).
  2. Follow Us on Twitter (CLICK HERE).
  3. Subscribe to http://www.AIYouTube.com
  4. Engage our firm to do a project.
  5. Refer business to our team.
  6. Write us a testimonial on LinkedIn.

Guess who Terry's special lunch guest is correctly - more detail at http://www.aifacebook.com or become friends with Terry Robinski on Facebook.

AI Software – putting your web presence together!

google-buzz     facebook     youtube     twitter     linkined     blogger


Terry’s 6 for 2012

Top 6 predictions that will help your 2012 web presence.

Get Social or Get Lost Online
The social media craze will continue to grow exponentially in 2012.  Few people who have an Internet-enabled device (PC, Mac, iPhone, Droid, etc.) are not on at least one social media site (YouTube counts also) on a daily basis.  If you don’t want to bother with a personal social presence, you should still strongly consider a social media presence for your business.

Smart Phones, No Longer So ‘Smart’
Five or six years ago, the term ‘Smartphone’ meant a phone that connects to the Internet and lets the owner check email, browse the Internet, etc.  This year (and beyond), it’s going to be increasingly difficult to find phones that don’t offer these services (thanks in part to the social media craze).  Future generations will view the term ‘Smartphones’ like today’s adults view terms such as:  Betamax, DVD player, Laser Disc, Compact Disc, Land Line, etc.

You Better Recognize
B2C companies will continue to utilize apps to reach their customers on their mobile device(s) – however, B2B will begin to utilize browser recognition – which provides greater efficiency.  Browser recognition refers to the ability for a web site to recognize the device that is displaying the site and adjust itself appropriately.  This concept allows a single application to be developed rather than multiples (Apple, Droid, etc.) so that a single application can be displayed (with optimal view) on mobile phones and other devices such as tablets.  It also allows content to be written and deployed server-side, so the user does not have to update their apps when patches/upgrades are released – with browser recognition, they are automatic.

FLASH . . . in the pan?
Flash technology – largely popular for motion/videos online will disappear in the next 18-24 months.  The main reason for this prediction is based on the fact that the technology is not supported on (most) mobile devices.   The mobile devices that still support Flash technology announced in 2011 that they will be abandoning this platform.  So, if your website is currently built in Flash, contact  AI Software (513-792-2207) and let’s get you set up for the future.

In August 2011, it was announced that YouTube is the 2nd most queried search engine (Google being #1).  This means that there are more searches being done on YouTube than on Yahoo, Bing and other search engines.  Google acquired YouTube in 2006 and has done an excellent job of making it into an online encyclopedia.  Want to know how to change oil?   Check YouTube.  Want to figure out how to do something in Word or Excel that you forgot?  Check YouTube.  While the service is excellent for entertainment, YouTube is quickly becoming an online encyclopedia for those of us who would rather watch a video than read an instruction manual.

Professionals deliver Professional Service
Whether your web presence is managed by an employee or a third party – you should make sure that you have the right partner.  10 years ago, everyone knew they needed a ‘web site’ for their organization.  Today, you need a ‘web presence’ that includes not only your home page – but multiple instances of your business online (Facebook, YouTube, Blog, etc.) to be successful with online marketing.  If you still think that your nephew can manage your web presence while he is in college – you will quickly be surpassed by competitors who place value on a quality web presence designed and maintained by a professional team.

AI Software – Putting Together Your Web Presence in 2012

google-buzz     youtube     facebook     linkined     twitter     blogger